How Long Does It Take to Learn SQL?

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It typically takes a few weeks to learn the basics of SQL. However, learning all the advanced features of SQL and becoming an expert can take several months or years of practice.

The exact amount of time you can expect to learn SQL in will depend on your existing knowledge of programming and databases, as well as how much time you can devote to studying and practicing.

We’ll discuss everything you need to learn SQL, why SQL is an excellent language, and how to get started!

Related: Start Your Data Science Career

What Is SQL?

Structured Query Language (SQL) is a prevalent programming language primarily used for managing and manipulating data found in relational databases. SQL is used to perform a wide variety of tasks, including data definition (creating and modifying tables), data manipulation (inserting, updating, and deleting data), and data query (retrieving data from a database).

It is a standard language used by many database management systems, including MySQL, Oracle, and Microsoft SQL Server. In addition, SQL is widely used in many different industries, including finance, healthcare, and retail, to manage and analyze large datasets.

Want to learn SQL but don’t have months to do it? Learn how we can help you learn.

Why Is SQL Useful?

A software engineer at her workstation

There are so many reasons to start learning SQL. Knowing SQL can open up new job opportunities and make you more valuable to potential employers and is a useful skill for anyone who works with data, whether in a professional capacity or as a hobby.

In addition to being a valuable skill in its own right, knowing SQL can also be beneficial for other reasons. For example, SQL is a good language for those who want to learn more about other programming languages, as many programming languages, such as Python and Java, have built-in support for SQL and can integrate with SQL databases.

Furthermore, many popular data analysis and business intelligence tools, such as Tableau and Power BI, use SQL as the underlying language for querying and analyzing data. Therefore, learning SQL can open up new opportunities and make you more valuable to potential employers.

Why Should You Learn SQL?

A software engineer teaching a class about programming

There are many reasons why you should learn SQL. Knowing SQL can open up new job opportunities and make you more valuable to potential employers and is a useful skill for anyone who works with data, whether in a professional capacity or as a hobby.

In addition, SQL allows you to quickly and easily access and analyze large datasets, which can be useful for various tasks, such as data analysis, market research, and decision-making.

  • SQL is a relatively easy language. SQL’s commands (INSERT, DELETE, etc.) are simple and similar to the language we speak daily. In addition, once you learn SQL, moving to programming languages like JS and Python will be much easier.
  • Demand for SQL is high. The biggest companies (like Google, Microsoft, Amazon, etc.) use SQL and constantly need skilled developers. And as companies rely on data analytics and churn out more data than ever, this demand will continue to rise.
  • SQL is standardized. SQL has been around for a long time and is here to stay due to its relevance. SQL syntax and commands have not changed for decades—once you know the basics, you won’t have to relearn these skills as they change continuously.
  • SQL is versatile. Almost every business relies on data—financial organizations, social media companies, web development, etc. The world’s largest corporations use SQL in every department, from their sales teams and accountants to their R&D scientists.

Which Careers Require You to Know SQL?

Depending on the career you want, SQL might be a hard requirement. Some of the most sought-after roles that require knowledge of SQL include:

  • Software developers: These devs focus on designing, developing, and implementing programs to automate functions and facilitate efficient operations. They need to know SQL because they use databases to manage and store user information.

Related: Become a Web Developer

  • Database developers: Because database devs work with, well, databases and database management systems, SQL is a must-have skill. In addition to working with software devs, they design and develop databases, update and manage them, and address issues as they arise.
  • Data analysts: In this career, you must access, analyze, and clean data to help organizations identify patterns within massive datasets. Programming, statistics, and SQL are the three most significant requirements for this field.
  • Data scientists: A data scientist’s job often overlaps with a data analyst’s duties, but they are different. Data scientists must understand SQL at a higher level than analysts—they are responsible for turning datasets into valuable insights and finding conclusions out of patterns.
  • QA testers: Quality assurance testers identify and address flaws in software products before they go to market and ensure they meet certain standards. SQL is invaluable for preventing, solving, and mitigating issues and unexpected errors while collaborating with software and database developers.

In these and many other careers, knowing SQL is essential for working with and analyzing data stored in databases. Additionally, many other careers that may not require knowledge of SQL as a hard requirement may still benefit from knowing the language, as it can help you work more effectively with data and make you more valuable to potential employers.

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Learn SQL the Fast Way

SQL is one of the simpler languages, and you can likely learn the basics in a few weeks. However, if you plan on building a career around data and databases using SQL, you’ll need a higher level of fluency.

How quickly you can achieve SQL mastery depends on your learning method—if you try to learn by yourself, it can take years, even if you practice regularly.

However, there is a way to make the process go faster: Attending a formalized, intensive training program like our coding bootcamp. When you enroll with us, you can expect to master SQL in months instead of years.

Reach out today to reserve your spot in our SQL coding bootcamp.

Related: Learn About Coding Bootcamp